Well i've given Im fed up with the whirling buffering thingy its really spoiling the flow of Breaking bad on Net-flicks, so I've signed up for EE faster up to 38Mbps. EE are guaranteeing me a minimum connection speed of 2.5Mbps – GEE THANKS – and say my line can handle 4 – 20Mbps. Considering it ran very happily at 10.5Mbps for 3 years when EE was EE and TV was TV where do they get 2.5 and 4 from ?
What it boils down to this - Pay an extra £3/month to watch what I want to watch when I want to watch, with no adverts and hopefully no whirling buffering thingy.
My broadband is on a go slow slow since BT took over EE. It was a respectable 10.5 Mbs for 3 years but its now for no reason at all gone down to 7.5 Mbs. Im not the only one to noticing a slow down with EE. Being a phone / broadband engineer I've checked my wiring and other peoples to make sure its ok. I rang EE who said “its within my expected range” and “ no they have not slowed it down” .
Coincidence ? Or have I been "tapered" If your kids are hamering your B/B the service provider will sometime turn down the tap on your hosepipe sighting the "fair use" policy. Its most likely a ploy to get us to sign up for more expensive fibre optic broadband. Ever wonder why your BT hub will not work with certain devices I.E. WiFi access points ethernet over power etc.
When you first connect a device to a router via WiFi most routers take you straight to the internet. Not BT . They make you go through a series of pages setting up BT this BT that, parental controls etc . This is confusing enough for a human never mind a dumb access point. Its all part of BT's policy of making everything evermore increasingly and pointlessly complicated. To get round this you must go into your router settings through http://bthomehub.home and login. Once there follow this guide http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/44328/ you must turn OFF smart setup. I regularly test broad band lines of all the service providers and sky never seems any faster than 3-5Mbs . Despite having all the best conditions for getting fast broadband I.E. close to the exchange and good wiring. It seems as they have some sort of limit on them. Any one else getting this ?
The perfect world answer is no . You must contact your service provider who will arrange for a BT Openreach engineer to do the work at their outrageous hourly rate.
BUT in reality most service providers will tell you to get an electrician to do the work - but BT count this as trespass and it is illegal. However you can't contact BT Openreach directly as they wont talk to end users so back to your service provider you go. Who will tell you to contact BT Openreach ....etcetera etcetera etcetera . BT do not keep a record of where your main socket is and would never visit your property unless you ask them to , so , if an electrician where to do the work for you , as long as he didn't mess it up and did it to the same quality standard as BT they would never know the difference and if any one asked which they wouldn't, " It was like that when I moved in guv ". The job is almost as easy as putting in an extra socket and requires no specific mandatory qualification unlike a gas fitter would legally be required to be Corgi registered to work on gas. Is BT trespassing on your wiring when BT remove your face plate / extension wiring to test ? If you haven’t changed your service provider for a while ( 2 years ) you will probably notice your bill rising.
You could save money by switching your Service Provider but this is a lot of hassle. An easier way to go about it is to call your them and threaten to change S P unless your bills are reduced . They will do anything to keep your direct debit going . As long as they can keep helping them selves to your money they will. Even if it means putting you on the latest cheapest deal. Don’t assume switching back to "good old BT" is going to be any better, they are one of the worst for upping your bill every year. I met an old dear living alone who was paying BT £475 / year for phone and BB and a load of other stuff she didn’t know anything about. You should be able to get both for £260 / year. Beware low (10gig) data limits this fine if you are an old dear living alone but not for the techno family watching you tube every night. Why you cant lag to far behind the tech times !Your steam engine works perfectly but all the railways have been replaced by maglev mono rails !
Your 7 year old PC works perfectly unfortunately your wifi card is wireless 802.11b and the router you have just been sent is only compatible with 802.11g and 802.11n so the wifi doesn't work. Also it runs on windows XP but windows XP will not be supported since april 2014. So you need a to update your operating system. Windows 8 :- cost £70 ,and wont run on your steam train. |
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